Dealing   with   loss   due   to   Infertility

Several years ago, I designed this site to help me deal with my grief. Over the years I have received many positive responses on this, and other writings. I am proud to hear that people have felt better after reading this paper. At least many have not felt so alone. For those who have been here before, thanks for coming back. I hope my new site Judi Corbett offers better support, and assistance, for those feeling alone in their grief and loss. Infertility is a misunderstood loss. It is difficult for many to share our day to day grief! We usually feel too alone and afraid to discuss our problems. Most people cannot understand our pain. Many believe we are crying over nothing, just relax and it will happen! We are crying about something we may never have and because of that, our loss is very real and painful. As with any loss, it is essential to our emotional well being that we deal with our feelings.

This writing has helped many couples deal with the losses they have faced through infertility, adoption and person development. I am a 'family planning coach' and this complete write up, and more are now located at my new website for fertility coaching plus. Family planning helps you get through all the steps, and pain, tied to trying to conceive - dealing with treatment, making those difficult life altering decisions such as living child-free or adopting, all the emotional highs and lows that go with trying to have a baby. I am a trained life coach who has ‘been there, done that’ and I offer my support to others dealing with all the stresses, and grief, that go with family planning when things don't happen the easy way.

Judi Corbett
Please feel free to contact me for coachng information.

Judi Corbett - Family Planning Coach
3-200 Memorial Ave., Suite #112 Orillia, Ontario L3V 5X6 Canada